Is a World Cruise Right for You?
Cruising is a storied way of travel, full of unique traditions and experiences you'll never enjoy any other way than on a cruise ship. The World Cruise is one of those time-honored cruising traditions, dating back to the Golden Age of steam ships and a new approach to travel by the most stylish people on both sides of the Atlantic. The first World Cruise sailed a century ago, pioneered by British luxury line Cunard, who still sets the standard of world...

Crystal Strikes a Chord with a New Rhine Class of River Cruise Ships
Instead of river cruises, they're calling them river yachts. Crystal has translated its uber-luxury sea experience to the rivers of Europe with a new, 'Rhine' class of river yachts, evoking the great music icons of the region.

Video: When is a Cruise not a Cruise?
Crystal Cruises has deconstructed luxury cruise travel and put it back together again, re-imagined. In addition to the luxury, small ships that put Crystal on the map, the new, 'All Things Crystal' includes river cruises, yachting, expedition cruises, and most breathtakingly: air cruises. Imagine, a whole 777 aircraft made over as a 'cruise' for only 44 couples - that's 88 passengers! BestTrip.TV enjoyed a conversation with All Things Crystal President & CEO Edie Rodriguez, who shared with us the exciting evolution of legendary...

Spoiling you at Sea: Lifestyle Brands on the World's most Luxurious Ships
If you've never sailed on a small, luxury cruise, you don't know what you're missing. It feels like being on a large, private yacht that can sail right into the heart of a destination, allowing you to stroll on and off the ship at your leisure. Imagine an all-suite environment that includes walk-in closets, butlers, exquisite dining and breezy, never-crowded decks with attendants who anticipate your every want and need. These cruise lines partner with some of the most premium lifestyle...